Unsender 83e28b2536
Made repo
- Tried to make the README.md instructions as user friendly as possible.
  - Covers the PGP aspect which did need explaining.
  - Mentions the need for software hygiene.
- Folder structure in git repo is better than current 'tar' file structure.
  - Git repo structure TO BE ADOPTED for any future version
2023-06-10 05:34:37 +09:30
dfca_v1-hero_digital-feudalism-counter-action_blocking-google_photography-cristina-gottardi-unsplash.webp Made repo 2023-06-10 05:34:37 +09:30
dfca_v1-profile_digital-feudalism-counter-action_blocking-google_photography-cristina-gottardi-unsplash.webp Made repo 2023-06-10 05:34:37 +09:30
dfca_v1-profile_tiny.jpg Made repo 2023-06-10 05:34:37 +09:30