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# spec file for package yuzu
# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
# Copyright © 20172020 Markus S. <kamikazow@opensuse.org>
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
%define __builder ninja
Name: yuzu
Version: 0.1725
Release: 76.1
Summary: Nintendo Switch emulator/debugger
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
Group: System/Emulators/Other
URL: https://yuzu-emu.org/
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
# wget https://api.yuzu-emu.org/gamedb/ -O compatibility_list.json
# It is dynamically changed so we should not use source URL in spec,
# otherwise it will fail source check when submitted to Factory...
Source1: compatibility_list.json
Source2: https://github.com/lat9nq/tzdb_to_nx/releases/download/221202/221202.zip
BuildRequires: clang >= 14
BuildRequires: clang-devel >= 14
BuildRequires: cmake >= 3.15
BuildRequires: discord-rpc-devel
BuildRequires: doxygen
BuildRequires: gcc
BuildRequires: gcc-c++
BuildRequires: glslang-devel
BuildRequires: graphviz
BuildRequires: hicolor-icon-theme
BuildRequires: libboost_context-devel-impl >= 1.75.0
BuildRequires: libboost_filesystem-devel-impl >= 1.75.0
BuildRequires: libzstd-devel-static
BuildRequires: mold
BuildRequires: ninja
BuildRequires: shaderc
BuildRequires: sndio-devel
BuildRequires: unzip
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(alsa)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(catch2) >= 2.13.7
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(cpp-httplib)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(fmt) >= 8.0.1
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(inih)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(jack)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libenet)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(liblz4) >= 1.8
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpulse)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libswscale)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libva)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libzip)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libzstd) >= 1.5
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(nettle)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(nlohmann_json) >= 3.8
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(openssl)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(opus)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sdl2) >= 2.0.18
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(speexdsp)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(tinfo)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(vulkan) >= 1.3.274
BuildRequires: libQt5PlatformSupport-private-headers-devel
BuildRequires: libqt5-linguist-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5WebEngine)
# ffmpeg
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libavcodec)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libavfilter)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libavutil)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libswscale)
ExclusiveArch: x86_64 aarch64
yuzu is an open source Nintendo Switch emulator/debugger.
cp %{SOURCE1} dist/compatibility_list/
mkdir -p build/externals/nx_tzdb
unzip %{SOURCE2} -d build/externals/nx_tzdb/nx_tzdb/
# Enforce package versioning in GUI
sed -i \
-e 's|@GIT_BRANCH@|mainline|g' \
-e 's|@GIT_DESC@|%{version}|g' \
-e 's|@BUILD_NAME@|%{name}|g' \
# Fix "too many open files" error
ulimit -n 2048
# Qt built with gles on aarch64, isn't compatible with opengl.
%cmake \
%ifarch x86_64
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-march=x86-64-v2" \
%ifarch aarch64
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-march=armv8-a" \
%ifarch aarch64
%doc README.md
%license LICENSE.txt
* Sun Feb 25 2024 pousaduarte@gmail.com
- Update to version 0.1725:
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12749"
* "Merge Tagged PR 13081"
* service: audio: Add missing logging properties of SetHeadphoneOutputLevelMode
* service: btdrv: Add EnableRadio for Qlaunch
* service: friend: Add GetFriendCount, GetNewlyFriendCount, GetReceivedFriendRequestCount, GetPlayHistoryStatistics, GetReceivedFriendInvitationCountCache for QLaunch
* service: hid: Add IsAnyCustomButtonConfigEnabled for QLaunch
* service: lbl: Add SaveCurrentSetting, LoadCurrentSetting and IsAutoBrightnessControlSupported for QLaunch
* service: nfc: Implement SetNfcEnabled
* service: npns: Add ListenTo and GetReceiveEvent for QLaunch
* service: set: Add default eula setting
* common/ring_buffer: Include <limits> header
* android: Play vibrations asynchronously
* fs: fix argument order
* ci: fix mac build
* fs: add ISaveDataTransferProhibiter, stub FindSaveDataWithFilter
* vi: workaround conductor includes
* oboe_sink: handle temporary stream creation failure
* audio: fix released buffer bounds check
* yuzu: Fix shortcut error message
* audio: add NotifyHeadphoneVolumeWarningDisplayedEvent
* pctl: rewrite IParentalControlService
* pctl: rewrite IParentalControlServiceFactory
* pctl: move IParentalControlServiceFactory
* pctl: move IParentalControlService
* pctl: move types and results
* psc: stub overlay notification channel
* psc: rewrite IPmService
* psc: move IPmControl, IPmModule, IPmService
* olsc: rewrite IOlscServiceForSystemService
* olsc: add IRemoteStorageController
* olsc: add IDaemonController
* olsc: rewrite ITransferTaskListController
* olsc: rewrite INativeHandleHolder
* olsc: rewrite IOlscServiceForApplication
* olsc: move INativeHandleHolder, IOlscServiceForApplication, IOlscServiceForSystemService, ITransferTaskListController
* fs: add missing mutex header for member (#13106)
* android: Connect controllers with supported styles
* android: Add additional check for hasMapping
* android: Enable all controller styles on emulation shutdown
* audio: format
* audio: rewrite IHardwareOpusDecoder
* audio: rewrite IAudioDevice
* audio: rewrite IHardwareOpusDecoderManager
* audio: rewrite IAudioRenderer
* audio: rewrite IAudioRendererManager
* audio: split IHardwarweOpusDecoder, move IHardwareOpusDecoderManager
* audio: split IAudioDevice, IAudioRenderer, move IAudioRendererManager
* audio: move IFinalOutputRecorderManager{,ForApplet}
* audio: rewrite IAudioOutManager
* audio: rewrite IAudioOut
* audio: rewrite IAudioInManager
* audio: rewrite IAudioIn
* android: Fix extra stick setting default values
* ns: fix alignment of uid type
* android: Expose device name setting
* android: Add StringInputSetting settings item
* vi: ignore shared buffer destruction failure on termination
* vi: remove superfluous locking in shared buffer manager
* nvnflinger/vi: don't recreate buffer queue on open/close
* Import keys from filesystem. (#13056)
* android: Have input overlay follow player 1 style index (#13085)
* android: Fix broken clear button check
* android: Fix overlay visibility reset (#13083)
* android: Show done button when configuring input overlay (#13082)
* Address review comments pt. 2
* Address review comments
* fs: Refactor to use cmif serialization
* fs: Add FileSystemAccessor classes
* Address review comments
* fs: Add and use fs_save_data_types.h
* fsp: Migrate remaining interfaces to cmif serialization
* fsp-srv: Migrate to use cmif serialization
* fsp: Move IMultiCommitManager to a seperate file
* fsp: Move ISaveDataInfoReader to a seperate file
* scope_exit: Make constexpr
* core/CMakeLists: Sort alphabetically
* shader_recompiler: throw on missing geometry streams in geometry shaders
* ns: address review comments
* vulkan_device: don't use fixed cap for memory limits
* am: account for offset in transfer memory storage
* core: hid: Remove driver errors from log
* nvnflinger: check for layers before compose
* android: Flip AB/XY for xbox controllers during auto-mapping
* ns: rewrite IQueryService
* ns: rewrite IServiceGetterInterface
* ns: rewrite IApplicationManagerInterface
* ns: move IDevelopInterface
* ns: rewrite ISystemUpdateInterface
* ns: move ISystemUpdateControl
* ns: rewrite IVulnerabilityManagerInterface
* ns: rewrite IReadOnlyApplicationControlDataInterface
* ns: rewrite IReadOnlyApplicationRecordInterface
* ns: add IDynamicRightsInterface
* ns: rewrite IDownloadTaskInterface
* ns: rewrite IDocumentInterface
* ns: rewrite IContentManagementInterface
* ns: move IFactoryResetInterface
* ns: move IECommerceInterface
* ns: move IApplicationVersionInterface
* ns: move IAccountProxyInterface
* ns: rewrite IPlatformServiceManager
* ns: rename results header
* android: Map touches to touchscreen
* android: Show cancel button for the content install notice
* android: Only do first startup automapping if nothing has been mapped
* service: Change unique_ptr to make_unique in GetCacheStorageMax
* file_sys: Formatting changes and use unique_ptr in GetCacheStorageMax
* file_sys: Fix nacp field cache_storage_max_index datatype
* android: Create lifecycle utility to simplify common StateFlow operations
* service: Add proper GetCacheStorageMax implementation to IApplicationFunctions
* android: Use extension functions for view visibility and text marquee
* android: Move CoreErrorDialogFragment to its own file
* Add check for corrupted firmware files after install.
* dmnt: cheats: Fix valid address range
* fsp: Add FlushAccessLogOnSdCard stub
* service: Add GetCacheStorageMax stub to IApplicationFunctions
* service: vi: Implement ListDisplayMode
* vi: manage resources independently of nvnflinger and refactor
* vi: move shared buffer management from nvnflinger
* nvnflinger: convert to process
* am: unify display layer management
* service: audio: Rewrite IAudioController to new IPC
* >.> spelling
* cleanup by clang-format.
* Improve behavior when one or more firmware files can't be deleted.
* service: btm: Implement function needed by QLaunch
* android: Input mapping
* Close reference to TimeZoneBinary on game close
* Implement In-app firmware installation.
* hid_core: Prevent crash if we try to iterate through empty color devices list
* hid_core: Use dedicated "port" for android's input overlay
* config: Reset per-game profile name on load if empty
* android: Allow SettingsItems to use String or StringRes
* service: erpt: Implement SubmitContext
* service: caps: Implement GetAlbumFIleList
* service: btm: Migrate service to new IPC
* service: am: Fix GetMainAppletAvailableUsers for user creation
* service: am: Add QLaunch launcher
* shader_recompiler: fix non-const offset for arrayed image types
* Revert "shader_recompiler: use only ConstOffset for OpImageFetch"
* kernel: add and enable system suspend type
* buffer_cache: use mapped range with large vertex buffer size
* device_memory_manager: skip unregistered interfaces on invalidate
* texture_cache: tweak iteration tracking change
* texture_cache: avoid overestimation of ASTC texture sizes
* caches: make critical reclamation less eager and possible in more cases
* Sun Feb 18 2024 pousaduarte@gmail.com
- Update to version 0.1717:
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12749"
* "Merge Tagged PR 13000"
* "Merge Tagged PR 13017"
* "Merge Tagged PR 13026"
* service: set: Migrate ISystemSettingsServer to new IPC
* vi: rewrite IApplicationDisplayService
* vi: rewrite ISystemDisplayService
* vi: rewrite IManagerDisplayService
* vi: rewrite IHOSBinderDriver
* vi: rewrite IApplicationRootService, IManagerRootService, ISystemRootService
* vi: split into implementation files
* vi: extract types
* service: set: Migrate ISettingsServer to new interface
* android: Prevent user from dismissing mod/cheat notice
* android: Show cancel option for delete addons dialog
* android: Swap ok and close default strings for MessageDialogFragment
* android: Add screen vertical alignment setting
* android: Expose FSR sharpness slider
* android: Swap confirmation buttons for delete save data dialog
* android: Extend MessageDialogFragment to support a negative action and button titles
* am: move out omm interfaces to new module
* am: rewrite IApplicationCreator
* am: add IApplicationAccessor
* am: rewrite ILockAccessor
* am: rewrite IWindowController
* am: rewrite IStorage
* am: rewrite IStorageAccessor, ITransferStorageAccessor
* am: rewrite ISelfController
* am: rewrite IProcessWindingController
* am: rewrite ILibraryAppletSelfAccessor
* am: rewrite ILibraryAppletCreator
* am: rewrite ILibraryAppletAccessor
* am: rewrite IHomeMenuFunctions
* am: rewrite IGlobalStateController, add ICradleFirmwareUpdater
* am: rewrite IDisplayController
* am: move IDebugFunctions
* am: rewrite ICommonStateGetter
* am: rewrite IApplicationFunctions
* am: rewrite IAppletCommonFunctions
* am: rewrite IAudioController
* am: rewrite ISystemAppletProxy
* am: rewrite ILibraryAppletProxy
* am: rewrite IApplicationProxy
* am: rewrite appletAE, appletOE
* service: news: Stub remaining functions
* yuzu: Allow non npad hotkeys and disable controller navigation requirement
* service: ldn: Migrate and refractor service to new IPC
* config: Always delete control settings in ClearControlPlayerValues
* tzdb_to_nx: Update to latest
* externals: Update dynarmic to 6.6.3
* am: use applet program loading for tested versions
* host_shaders: add vendor workaround for adreno drivers
* Texture Cache: Fix untracking on GPU remap
* service: bcat: Address review issues
* service: bcat: Implement news interfaces
* service: bcat: Migrate and refractor service to new IPC
* am: fix focus states and display of indirect keyboard
* am: stub SetMediaPlaybackState for self controller
* general: add default configurations for applet mode
* gpu: dependency-inject scaling/antialiasing filter state for capture layers
* nvnflinger/gpu: implement applet capture
* nvnflinger/gpu: implement blending
* nvservices: unmap only on last container free
* video_core: defensively program around unmapped device pointers
* core: fix multiprocess with nce
* shared_translation: Add tooltips for general settings
* glue: use multi wait API
* server_manager: use multi wait API
* service: add os types and multi wait API
* shared_translation: Add tooltips for advanced graphics and system settings
* shared_translation: Add tooltips for core and graphics settings
* Sun Feb 11 2024 pousaduarte@gmail.com
- Update to version 0.1709:
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12749"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12756"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12955"
* Fix multiplayer player count color in dark themes | Temp fix until #12744: Add green color for counts > 0 and < max_players - 1 (#12930)
* android: Use utility function for applying view margins
* android: Add thermal throttling overlay
* android: Remove foreground service
* service: Fix OutLargeData attributes
* service: hid: Free npad applet resource
* android: Fix regex for git version
* android: Run OnEmulationStarted frontend callback in another thread
* common: fs: Expand android macros
* android: Move JNI setup and helpers to common
* service: hid: Migrate hidbus to new interface
* SMMU: Ensure the backing address range matches the current
* ipc: additional fixes
* yuzu: Make controller keys easier to assign
* dmnt: cheat: Invalidate cache on memory writes
* web_backend: Fix compilation
* service: hid: Migrate hid debug service to new interface
* service: irs: Migrate service to new interface
* service: hid: Add multiprocess support to six axis input
* service: hid: Ensure aruid data is initialized
* Common: Rename SplitRangeSet to OverlapRangeSet
* dmnt: cheat: Add pause and resume support
* yuzu: Fully hide linux tab
* typed_address: test values are unsigned
* dmnt: cheats: Silence memory errors
* shader_recompiler: use only ConstOffset for OpImageFetch
* .tx/config: Use language mappings for android "tx pull"
* Buffer Cache: Refactor to use Range sets instead
* gdb: fix load/save of fp values in a32
* dmnt: cheats: Update cheat vm to latest version
* NVDRV: Refactor HeapMapper to use RangeSets
* Common: Introduce Range Sets
* VideoCore: Move Slot Vector to Common
* citra_qt/configure_ui: Show country of language in the combobox
* ci: android: Play store publishing setup
* web_backend: Sync with Citra implementation
* nvnflinger: release buffers before presentation sleep
* Fix firmware timezone boot load check.
* service: fs: Skip non user id folders
* cmif_serialization: enforce const for references
* service: hid: Multiple fixes
* MemoryManager: Reduce the page table size based on last big page address.
* Persist filters in multiplayer public lobby list
* Color player counts in the multiplayer public lobby list
* Add hotkeys for multiplayer actions
* Sun Feb 4 2024 pousaduarte@gmail.com
- Update to version 0.1702:
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12749"
* cmake: use vulkan-headers config file
* Clang Fix
* Add Samsung Proprietary Driver ID to Reorder Pass
* service: use const references for input raw data
* Update translations (2024-02-01)
* SwBlitter: Fix Pitch linear reading/writting
* hardware_composer: implement speed limit extensions
* nvnflinger/gpu: implement layer stack composition
* renderer_opengl: implement layer stack composition
* renderer_vulkan: implement layer stack composition
* renderer_opengl: split up blit screen resources into antialias and window adapt passes
* renderer_opengl: move out ownership of FSR resources
* renderer_vulkan: convert FSR to graphics pipeline
* renderer_opengl: move out FSR shader source construction
* renderer_opengl: split out FXAA
* renderer_opengl: split out SMAA
* renderer_vulkan: split up blit screen resources into separate antialias and window adapt passes
* renderer_vulkan: isolate FXAA from blit screen
* renderer_opengl: isolate core presentation code
* video_core: consistently account for resolution scaling when rendering
* video_core: simplify accelerated surface fetch and crop handling between APIs
* aoc: fix DLC listing (#12867)
* ci: bump mac to macos-14
* Device Memory Manager: ensure raster protection only within mapped device addresses.
* DeviceMemory: Make counter types configurable
* NVDRV: Join the heaper optimization blocks
* smmu: use new range mutex construction for protecting counters
* Texture Cache: make sparse texture table per channel
* settings: Allow audio sink, input, and output to be set per game
* Remove a few hacks for clock setups, which seem to no longer be needed, but fix network clock to local clock on every boot. Also fix some logging strings.
* am: push storage from error applet with non-zero size
* cmif_serialization: fix LargeData types
* service: hid: Implement GetPlayerLedPattern accurately
* internal_network: only poll for accept on blocking sockets
* Update sockets.h
* Update src/core/hle/service/sockets/sockets.h
* cmif_serialization: fix out layout calculation
* service: capsrv: Migrate to new IPC
* cmake: prefer system oaknut library
* am: stop emulation when all applets are closed
* core: support offline web applet
* am: return AppletDataBroker and use for frontend applets
* am: rework IStorage for transfer storage
* am: migrate global state to per-applet state structure
* am: retrieve main applet creation info from frontend
* am: re-namespace frontend applets to frontend directory
* am: add new datatypes for per-applet state
* service: split am into components
* Update sockets_translate.cpp
* Update sockets.h
* Update sockets_translate.cpp
* service: mii: Set arguments as const
* notif: rewrite for new IPC
* android: Don't show delete button for system driver
* fix build for gcc 11
* service: am: Focus state changed goes last
* service: hid: Implement home, capture and sleep buttons
* service: hid: Restore active aruid
* service: hid: Fully implement touch resource
* configure_graphics: Avoid crash when vsync_mode_combobox is empty (occurs when renderer backend is Null)
* Use the input process handle to get the correct application's memory
* externals/dynarmic: Update to 6.6.1
* externals/oaknut: Update to 2.0.1
* service: set: Increase settings version
* service: set: Implement more Qlaunch Settings
* android: Disable focus on loading card
* android: Show system driver information
* kernel: clear pinned waiter list on unpin
* atomic_ops: Fix MSVC
* atomic_ops: Remove volatile qualifier
* atomic_ops: Reduce code duplication with templates
* Move time services to new IPC. Add some fixes/improvements to usage with the new IPC
* service: mii: Migrate service to new interface
* Simplify VkResult lookup
* Add Vulkan-Utility-Libraries dependency
* yuzu: Add per-game linux gamemode configuration
* fix linux config values not saved
* Sun Jan 28 2024 i@guoyunhe.me
- Update to version 0.1696:
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12749"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12760"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12802"
* android: Multi-program app switching
* input: add a missing null pointer check
* nx_tzdb: add another safety assertion
* nx_tzdb: check for unpacked directory
* Sat Jan 27 2024 i@guoyunhe.me
- Update to version 0.1694:
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12749"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12769"
* cmif_serialization: support non-domain sessions on domain servers
* cmif_types: improve ergonomics of types
* android: Disable default focus highlight on views that shouldn't be selected
* android: Allow controller to focus on toolbar menu items
* android: Add 600dp layout for GameInfoFragment
* android: Fix button click listener for build version name
* android: Disable focus for the root of cards that contain buttons
* android: Focus on the in game menu when opened
* cmake: support simpleini cmake config and pc file
* service: add template serializer for method calls
* android: Fix waiting for driver install on startup
* android: Add current driver vendor to FPS overlay
* android: Add key check
* android: Add option to make MessageDialogFragments non-dismissible
* frontend_common: Consistently use references
* frontend_common: Remove key rederivation and keep key check
* android: Only compare game contents for GameAdapter
* Rework time service to fix time passing offline.
* nvservices: close map handles on session close
* kernel: target invalidate to given process
* Fri Jan 26 2024 i@guoyunhe.me
- Update to version 0.1693:
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12499"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12749"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12759"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12769"
* Demote Mesa dozen to the bottom of the device list
* Thu Jan 25 2024 i@guoyunhe.me
- Update to version 0.1692:
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12499"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12749"
* service: properly convert buffers to strings
* loader: also register fs process for raw exefs partition
* device_memory_manager: fix ScratchBuffer indexing
* android: Add to launcher button
* android: Provide debug.keystore for debug and relWithDebInfo builds
* android: Port "Lock drawer" feature from Citra
* frontend_common: Remove default value for installer callbacks
* android: Add options to verify installed content
* core: hid: Allow to disable vibration
* frontend_common: Move integrity verification to content_manager
* service: hid: Implement EnableAppletForInput
* service: set: Don't allow invalid mii author id
* android: Sync translations
* android: Change "Clear" to "Use global setting" for per-game settings
* fs/file: Explicitly convert std::u8string to std::filesystem::path
* android: Use elevated card style for home setting card
* android: Sort recently added/played games by time
* frontend_common: Add documentation for content_mananger
* android: Add addon delete button
* android: Use callback to update progress bar dialogs
* frontend_common: Add content manager utility functions
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12688"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12695"
* device_memory_manager: use unique_lock for update
* nvhost_vic: use map erase by key
* nvdrv: clean up preallocation
* nvdrv: use correct names for interface factory
* nvdrv: use static typing for SessionId, smmu Asid types
* Core: Invert guest memory depandancy
* Core: Make sure GPU Dirty Managers ae shared by all processes.
* Core: Eliminate core/memory dependancies.
* SMMU: Fix Right Shift UB.
* SMMU: Fix 8Gb layout.
* Core: Clang format and other small issues.
* SMMU: Fix software rendering and cleanup
* SMMU: Add continuity tracking optimization.
* SMMU: Simplify and remove old code.
* SMMU: Add Android compatibility
* GPU-SMMU: Estimate game leak and preallocate device region.
* GPU SMMU: Expand to 34 bits
* SMMU: Fix Unregister on MultiAddress
* SMMU: Implement physical memory mirroring
* SMMU: Initial adaptation to video_core.
* SMMU: Implement backing CPU page protect/unprotect
* NVDRV: Implement sessions and initial implementation of SMMU
* Core: Initial implementation of device memory mapping
* vi: check layer state before opening or closing
* nvnflinger: ensure display abandonment considers all layers and future layers
* renderer_vulkan: recreate swapchain when frame size changes
* service: hid: Fully implement abstract vibration
* Sun Jan 21 2024 pousaduarte@gmail.com
- Update to version 0.1688:
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12579"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12660"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12688"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12701"
* Bump MoltenVK to v1.2.7
* service: hid: Clear controller status when aruid is no longer used
* Update based on feedback
* Allow -u to accept a username string in addition to index, and suppress the User selector even if settings requires it to be shown for one instance only.
* core: hid: Disable special features before disconnecting the controllers
* Sat Jan 20 2024 i@guoyunhe.me
- Update to version 0.1687:
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12688"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12695"
* input_common: Add android input engine
* android: Save overlay data while using emulation fragment
* ci: remove format dep from mainline step2
* service: set: Implement stubbed functions
* service: set: Refractor setting service
* Fix typos in master
* Fix typos in arrays.xml
* Fix one more typo
* Fix more typos
* service: nfc: Create backup when none exist
* android: Fix overlay toggle ordering
* ci: Remove format step from mainline builds
* core: Support multiple modules per patcher
* android: Show version name instead of git hash in the about fragment
* android: Clean up git commands in build.gradle
* android: Move ktlintCheck to yuzu-verify
* service: acc: Only save profiles when profiles have changed
* loader: fix homebrew nro registration
* kernel: optimize page free on shutdown
* kernel: fix debugger and process list lifetime
* kernel: fix page leak on process termination
* audio: fetch process object from handle table
* shader_recompiler: emulate 8-bit and 16-bit storage writes with cas loop
* fsp-srv: use program registry for SetCurrentProcess
* shader_recompiler: fix Offset operand usage for non-OpImage*Gather
* Save profile name used
* server_manager: respond to session close correctly
* Sun Jan 14 2024 pousaduarte@gmail.com
- Update to version 0.1680:
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12610"
* "Merge Tagged PR 12612"
* service: hid: Create abstracted pad structure
* ci: fix file mode check in format script
* android: Fix added driver path
* android: Add button to use global driver value
* android: Reload driver data on importing user data
* android: Rework driver fragment
* android: Refactor DriverAdapter to use AbstractSingleSelectionList
* android: Create generic single selection list adapter
* android: Refactor recycler view adapters to use AbstractListAdapter
* android: Create generic list adapter for basic lists
* android: Refactor async diff adapters to use AbstractDiffAdapter
* android: Create generic adapter and viewholder
* ci: fix format task
* externals: Update txdb_to_nx
* Fix typos in src/core (#12625)
* ci: make verify format workflow output more helpful
* general: fix trailing whitespace
* vi: connect vsync event handle lifetime to application display service interface
* vi: fix name of nvnflinger
* Fix "Propietary" typo elsewhere
* Fix typos in video_core
* service: hid: Delete shared memory handle when unused
* service: hid: Make sure there's an active aruid handle
* service: hid: Implement GetLastActiveNpad
* service: hid: Implement AssigningSingleOnSlSrPress
* service: hid: Implement SetNpadSystemExtStateEnabled
* service: set: Rename files
* service: hid: Implement CaptureButtonAssignment
* service: set: Use official names
* service: hid: Add functions needed by Qlaunch
* service: hid: Handle pending delete
* hid_core: Move hid to it's own subproject
* android: Re-add global save manager
* android: add basic support for google game dashboard
* Sun Jan 7 2024 pousaduarte@gmail.com
- Update to version 0.1674:
* "Merge Tagged PR 12173"
* android: Save global config synchronously in onCloseGameFoldersFragment
* frontend_common: config: Only write setting related to opened config file
* android: Don't save settings on config destruction
* android: Update orientation on emulation fragment start
* android: Expose all orientation locking options
* service: hid: Remove data races when handling shared memory
* service: hid: Implement NpadResource and NpadData
* frontend_common: config: Move WriteIntegerSetting definition to header
* actions: android: Prevent resolving tag commit to PR link
* actions: android: Resolve PR commits to link
* actions: android: Move trigger logic to be yuzu-android specific
* android: Add internal option to disable compression for zip exports
* KThread: Send termination interrupt to all cores a thread has affinity to
* yuzu: Use displayed port on direct connect
* android: Use case-insensitive check for addon directory
* android: Fix dpad position saving
* Update translations (2024-01-01)
* Vulkan: Only recreate swapchain if the frame is bigger than the swap image.
* MaxwellDMA: Don't flush the outputs of a dma copy.
* service: hid: Use applet resource to get latest shared memory handle
* android: Expose touchscreen toggle
* android: Don't apply material you below android 12
* frontend_common: config: Do not count "." as a special character
* android: Migrate in-game overlay settings to ini
* frontend_common: config: Refactor WriteSetting to stricter types
* android: Migrate theme settings to ini
* android: Update Kotlin version to 1.9.20
* yuzu_cmd: Report more SDL errors
* Fix Wayland appId
* android: Expose anisotropic filtering setting
* android: Center switch setting title when no description is present
* android: Pair fastmem toggle to CPU Debug toggle
* jit: use code memory handles correctly
* actions: android: Build relWithDebInfo on main repo
* k_capabilities: simplify KTrace map skip logic
* ips_layer: prevent out of bounds access with offset exceeding module size
* heap_tracker: use linear-time mapping eviction
* shader_recompiler: use default value for clip distances array
* shader_recompiler: respect clip distance limits in indexed store
* video_core: Fix buffer_row_length computation for linear compressed textures
* assert/logging: Stop the logging thread and flush the backends before crashing
* core: track separate heap allocation for linux
* ring_buffer: Use feature macro
* main: Remove unused enum
* am/jit: reference memory instance from context
* kernel: remove unecessary process member from handle table
* service: fetch objects from the client handle table
* kernel: use simple mutex for object list container
* core_timing: block advance thread while clearing and signal after
* core_timing: handle concurrent unscheduling of looping events
* core_timing: use static typing for no-wait unschedule
* core_timing: remove user data value
* renderer_vulkan: skip SetObjectNameEXT on unsupported driver
* renderer_vulkan: demote format assert to error log
* kernel: fix resource limit imbalance
* kernel: restrict nce to applications
* general: properly support multiple memory instances
* k_server_session: remove scratch buffer usage in favor of direct copy
* k_server_session: process for guest servers
* kernel: instantiate memory separately for each guest process
* Settings: Indicate AMD's compatibility with SPIR-V on OGL
* spirv_emit_context: Fix BaseInstance for OGL spirv
* shader_recompiler: ensure derivatives for textureGrad are f32
* shader_recompiler: use float image operations on load/store when required
* qt: settings: Fix per-game vsync combobox
* android: Fix "No games found" text appearing on load
* service: hid: Fix crash on InitializeVibrationDevice
* emit_glsl_image: Use inlined texelFetch offsets
* gl_device: Remove AMD blacklists that are no longer applicable
* gl_rasterizer: Less spammy log for unimplemented resets
* nce: hide shadowing warnings from dynarmic headers
* gl_rasterizer: Implement DrawTransformFeedback macro
* externals: update Vulkan-Headers to v1.3.274
* vulkan_common: unbreak build with Vulkan-Headers 1.3.274
* gl_rasterizer: Silence spammy logs
* gl_buffer_cache: Reintroduce NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory
* nce: increase handler stack size
* renderer_vulkan: don't pass null view when nullDescriptor is not supported
* nce: fix read size in simd immediate emulation
* yuzu: Read/Save category Paths
* shader_recompiler: use minimal clip distance array
* shader_recompiler: ignore clip distances beyond driver support level
* yuzu: Make language persistent and remove symbols_path
* oboe_sink: specify additional required parameters
* vk_query_cache: Fix prefix sum max_accumulation_limit logic
* fs: implement OpenDirectoryMode
* oboe_sink: set low latency performance mode
* Revert "video_core: use interval map for page count tracking"
* renderer_vulkan: work around turnip binding bug in a610
* path_util: copy output for GetParentPath
* android: add oboe to audio configuration
* oboe_sink: implement channel count querying
* android: add oboe audio sink
* renderer_vulkan: allow up to 7 swapchain images
* nvnflinger: mark buffer as acquired when acquired
* audio: skip coefficient normalization for downmix
* set: add cstddef for offsetof macro
* Have GetActiveChannelCount return the system channels instead of host device channels
* gl_buffer_cache: Fix tfb binding typo
* ssl: fix output byte buffer size issue (#12372)
* Make system settings persistent across boots
* common: use memory holepunching when clearing memory
* video_core: lock interval map update
* video_core: use interval map for page count tracking
* core: Make sure npad is initialized
* renderer_vulkan: bound async presentation queue growth
* core: hid: Clean up headers
* service: hid: Allow to create multiple instances of shared memory
* ci: fix homebrew installation issue in actions runner images
* android: Rework InstallableProperty view with icon
* android: Prevent editing non-savable settings in per-game settings
* android: Pre-select custom config in game launch dialog
* android: Use confirmation dialog when deleting shader cache
* android: Always use custom settings when launched from intent
* settings: Allow vsync to be changed per-game
* android: Adjust variable name format for native config
* android: Add game dir entries to FilesystemProvider
* android: Fix games list loading thread safety
* android: Collect latest information for games list
* android: Remove global save import/exporter UI
* android: Compare all properties between games in DiffCallback
* android: Expose MemoryUtil size formatting function
* android: Add JNI initialization information for Game class
* settings: Allow CPU Debug and Fastmem to be changed per-game
* android: Add per-game drivers
* android: Add per-game settings
* android: Add Game properties
* frontend_common: Fix settings reload bug
* android: Refactor settings to expose more options
* configure_debug: Fix small typo
* vcpkg: Update fmt to 10.1.1
* vi: fix confusion between closing and destroying layers
* nce: adjust initialization for repeated calls
* nce: implement instruction emulation for misaligned memory accesses
* service: hid: Improve CreateAppletResource implementation and free resources
* core: Use single instance of profile manager
* sm:: fix tipc deserialization
* settings: Clearer NCE error messages
* ro: add separate ro service
* fbshare: set external format correctly
* fs: don't enumerate hidden savedata size file
* service: populate pid and handle table from client
* service: use interface factory in server manager
* debug: fix reading of module names
* android: Listen for directory selection in viewmodel
* kernel: fix single core
* settings: Enable NCE by default on capable systems
* dist: add udev rule to enable user hidraw access (#12292)
* kernel: implement light IPC
* service: hid: Introduce proper AppletResource emulation
* kernel: implement remaining IPC syscalls
* Improve path splitting speed
* codec: Update to use av frame flags
* arm: fix context save of vector regs
* frontend_common: Use optional for language default
* core: refactor emulated cpu core activation
* texture_cache: fix max_element comparison function
* renderer_opengl: remove srgb conversion logic
* renderer_vulkan: do not recreate swapchain for srgb
* fsmitm_romfsbuild: optimize for data locality
* romfs: cache file and directory metadata tables
* nce: fix pre-text patch for single modules
* file_sys: handle null romfs
* texture_cache: use pedantic type names
* android: Don't reload filesystem on update install
* host_memory: move MAP_ALIGNED_SUPER attempt after 448d4815dece
* host_memory: allow missing MAP_NORESERVE on FreeBSD after 448d4815dece
* vk_blit_screen: Use correct format for fxaa renderpass
* service: nfc: Don't tag amiibos as corrupted if they are loaded as read only
* Update translations (2023-12-01)
* renderer_vulkan: adjust window origin and swizzle independently
* cmake: prefer system gamemode library
* renderer_vulkan: exclude more qcom drivers from extensions
* cmake: sync gamemode conditionals with code after 5eec980a2d71
* core: Rename patcher file
* add mac workflow
* general: conditionally compile gamemode on linux only
* cmake: Move HAS_NCE to root cmake
* android: Save global settings in onStop
* android: Multi directory UI
* set: don't load version nca with null romfs
* Fixed controller applet crashing when on FW17+
* GLSL: Prefer known used cbuf sizes
* qt: add cpu_backend configuration
* video_core: fix mac compile
* general: fix mac compile
* loader: fix gcc compile
* service: nfc: Validate mii data
* service: am: Create random mii for cabinet applet
* cmake: prefer system simpleini library
* android: input: Flip abxy on backbone labs controllers
* time: undef GetCurrentTime for Windows
* cmake: move gamemode target include into its file
* yuzu: create linux group in general settings
* yuzu: integrate gamemode support on linux
* android: input: Flip abxy on redmagic controllers
* oaknut: Address warnings
* host_memory: Simplify randomness generation
* Address more review comments
* loader: apply nso patch to offset program image
* arm_nce: skip data aborts for crash handling parity
* android: show current backend in fps overlay
* arm: Print backtrace on data abort
* patch: check offsets from first code word
* core: Define HAS_NCE macro
* common: Enforce fastmem for nce usage
* arm_nce: skip dc cvac on possibly write-protected areas
* Address some review comments
* android: Add cpu bakend gui toggle
* arm: Implement native code execution backend
* device_memory: Enable direct mapped addresses for nce
* externals: Add oaknut submodule
* settings: Add cpu backend setting
* kernel: Manually specify aslr region start
* core: Respect memory permissions in Map
* host_memory: Switch to FreeRegionManager
* host_memory: ensure map base is between 36 and 39 bits
* common: Add free region manager
* common: Add libc sigaction hook
* yuzu: Constrain mouse in render window when emulated
* yuzu: Display firmware version
* vulkan_device: add names for more driverID enumeration values
* renderer_vulkan: exclude steam deck oled from force max clock setting
* core: hid: Ensure output devices are initialized
* query_cache: demote report synced unreachable to assert
* frontend_common: Don't specify default value for screenshot_path
* frontend_common: Don't load config files that we fail to open
* frontend_common: Add option to read unsigned integers
* frontend_common: Set config array size to 0 if the array is ended without changing its index
* frontend_common: Manually handle opening config file
* frontend_common: Add special config case for unmapped windows network drives
* frontend_common: Disable UTF-8 BOM in config
* android: Rework config lifecycle
* android: Remove ini4j
* common: settings: Add ifdefs to define android's default settings
* general: Remove inih
* config: Unify config handling under frontend_common
* vk_texture_cache: add workaround for nullDescriptor on Mali
* service: hid: Create appropriate hid resources
* gl_buffer_cache: Batch vertex/tfb buffer binding
* Vulkan: Add a final barrier to the upload command buffer
* renderer_vulkan: Introduce separate cmd buffer for uploads
* shader_recompiler: Align SSBO offsets in GlobalMemory functions
* buffer_cache: Apply storage buffer alignment only to the offset
* shader_recompiler: Align SSBO offsets to meet host requirements
* gl_texture_cache: Enable async downloads
* gl_buffer_cache: Enable async downloads
* gl_staging_buffer_pool: Refactor allocation variables into a struct
* Fri Jan 5 2024 Yunhe Guo <i@guoyunhe.me>
- Update compatibility_list.json
* Wed Nov 22 2023 Jonatas Gonçalves <jonatas.sgoncalves@gmail.com>
- Update to version 0.1629:
* "Merge Tagged PR 11889"
* game_list_worker: Explicit caputure of 'this'
* shared_widget: Explicit capture of 'this'
* Stub CheckBlockedUserListAvailability
* android: Use file picker intent for save exporter
* android: Use path instead of programId for recently added / played key
* android: Select recently played games by default in search tab
* android: Allow up to 400%% for the limit speed percent setting
* Implemented qlaunch version of the controller applet
* video_core: refactor video frame and packet parsing
* CMakeLists: Add option to call lupdate directly
* shared_translation: Call tr for each string