
109 lines
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
// Based on dkms-hid-nintendo implementation, CTCaer joycon toolkit and dekuNukem reverse
// engineering https://github.com/nicman23/dkms-hid-nintendo/blob/master/src/hid-nintendo.c
// https://github.com/CTCaer/jc_toolkit
// https://github.com/dekuNukem/Nintendo_Switch_Reverse_Engineering
#pragma once
#include "input_common/helpers/joycon_protocol/common_protocol.h"
#include "input_common/helpers/joycon_protocol/joycon_types.h"
namespace InputCommon::Joycon {
/// Joycon driver functions that easily implemented
class GenericProtocol final : private JoyconCommonProtocol {
explicit GenericProtocol(std::shared_ptr<JoyconHandle> handle);
/// Enables passive mode. This mode only sends button data on change. Sticks will return digital
/// data instead of analog. Motion will be disabled
DriverResult EnablePassiveMode();
/// Enables active mode. This mode will return the current status every 5-15ms
DriverResult EnableActiveMode();
* Sends a request to obtain the joycon firmware and mac from handle
* @returns controller device info
DriverResult GetDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo& controller_type);
* Sends a request to obtain the joycon type from handle
* @returns controller type of the joycon
DriverResult GetControllerType(ControllerType& controller_type);
* Enables motion input
* @param enable if true motion data will be enabled
DriverResult EnableImu(bool enable);
* Configures the motion sensor with the specified parameters
* @param gsen gyroscope sensor sensitvity in degrees per second
* @param gfrec gyroscope sensor frequency in hertz
* @param asen accelerometer sensitivity in G force
* @param afrec accelerometer frequency in hertz
DriverResult SetImuConfig(GyroSensitivity gsen, GyroPerformance gfrec,
AccelerometerSensitivity asen, AccelerometerPerformance afrec);
* Request battery level from the device
* @returns battery level
DriverResult GetBattery(u32& battery_level);
* Request joycon colors from the device
* @returns colors of the body and buttons
DriverResult GetColor(Color& color);
* Request joycon serial number from the device
* @returns 16 byte serial number
DriverResult GetSerialNumber(SerialNumber& serial_number);
* Request joycon serial number from the device
* @returns 16 byte serial number
DriverResult GetTemperature(u32& temperature);
* Request joycon serial number from the device
* @returns 16 byte serial number
DriverResult GetVersionNumber(FirmwareVersion& version);
* Sets home led behaviour
DriverResult SetHomeLight();
* Sets home led into a slow breathing state
DriverResult SetLedBusy();
* Sets the 4 player leds on the joycon on a solid state
* @params bit flag containing the led state
DriverResult SetLedPattern(u8 leds);
* Sets the 4 player leds on the joycon on a blinking state
* @returns bit flag containing the led state
DriverResult SetLedBlinkPattern(u8 leds);
} // namespace InputCommon::Joycon