
41 lines
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# syntax = edrevo/dockerfile-plus
FROM alpine:${VERSION} AS runner
WORKDIR "/var/www/html"
# Docker metadata contains information about the maintainer, such as the name, repository, and support email
# Please add any necessary information or correct any incorrect information
# See more:
LABEL name="LibreX" \
description="Framework and javascript free privacy respecting meta search engine" \
version="1.0" \
vendor="Hnhx Femboy<>" \
url="" \
usage="" \
# Include arguments as temporary environment variables to be handled by Docker during the image build process
# Change or add new arguments to customize the image generated by 'docker build' command
# Customize the environment during both execution and build time by modifying the environment variables added to the container's shell
# When building your image, make sure to set the 'TZ' environment variable to your desired time zone location, for example 'America/Sao_Paulo'
# See more:
ENV TZ="America/New_York"
# Include docker scripts, docker images, and the 'GNU License' in the Librex container
ADD "." "/var/www/html"
# Set permissions for script files as executable scripts inside 'docker/scripts' directory
RUN chmod u+x "${DOCKER_SCRIPTS}/php/" &&\
chmod u+x "${DOCKER_SCRIPTS}/server/" &&\
chmod u+x "${DOCKER_SCRIPTS}/" &&\
chmod u+x "${DOCKER_SCRIPTS}/"
# The following lines import all Dockerfiles from other folders so that they can be built together in the final build
INCLUDE+ docker/php/php.dockerfile
INCLUDE+ docker/server/nginx.dockerfile
# Configures the container to be run as an executable.
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c", "docker/"]