const {resolve, join} = require('path'); const { ghu, autoprefixer, cssmin, each, ife, includeit, jszip, less, mapfn, pug, read, remove, run, uglify, watch, webpack, wrap, write } = require('ghu'); const ROOT = resolve(__dirname); const SRC = join(ROOT, 'src'); const TEST = join(ROOT, 'test'); const BUILD = join(ROOT, 'build'); const mapper = mapfn.p(SRC, BUILD).s('.less', '.css').s('.pug', ''); const webpack_cfg = (...include) => { const cfg = webpack.cfg(include); cfg.module.rules.push({ test: /jsdom/, loader: 'null-loader' }); return cfg; }; ghu.defaults('release'); ghu.before(runtime => { runtime.pkg = Object.assign({}, require('./package.json')); const res = run.sync(`git rev-list v${runtime.pkg.version}..HEAD`, {silent: true}); if (res.code === 0) { const hashes = res.stdout.split(/\r?\n/).filter(x => x); if (hashes.length) { const counter = ('000' + hashes.length).substr(-3); const hash = hashes[0].substr(0, 7); runtime.pkg.version += `+${counter}~${hash}`; } } runtime.comment = `${} v${runtime.pkg.version} - ${runtime.pkg.homepage}`; runtime.comment_js = `/* ${runtime.comment} */\n`; runtime.comment_html = ``; console.log(runtime.comment); }); ghu.task('force-production', 'ensure :production flag is set', runtime => { if (!runtime.args.production) { runtime.args.production = true; console.log('forcing production mode'); } }); ghu.task('clean', 'delete build folder', () => { return remove(BUILD); }); ghu.task('build:scripts', runtime => { return read(`${SRC}/_h5ai/public/js/scripts.js`) .then(webpack(webpack_cfg(SRC))) .then(wrap('\n\n// @include "pre.js"\n\n')) .then(includeit()) .then(ife(() => runtime.args.production, uglify())) .then(wrap(runtime.comment_js)) .then(write(mapper, {overwrite: true})); }); ghu.task('build:styles', runtime => { return read(`${SRC}/_h5ai/public/css/*.less`) .then(includeit()) .then(less()) .then(autoprefixer()) .then(ife(() => runtime.args.production, cssmin())) .then(wrap(runtime.comment_js)) .then(write(mapper, {overwrite: true})); }); ghu.task('build:pages', runtime => { return read(`${SRC}: **/*.pug, ! **/*.tpl.pug`) .then(pug({pkg: runtime.pkg})) .then(wrap('', runtime.comment_html)) .then(write(mapper, {overwrite: true})); }); ghu.task('build:copy', runtime => { const mapper_root = mapfn.p(ROOT, join(BUILD, '_h5ai')); return Promise.all([ read(`${SRC}/**/conf/*.json`) .then(wrap(runtime.comment_js)) .then(write(mapper, {overwrite: true, cluster: true})), read(`${SRC}: **, ! **/*.js, ! **/*.less, ! **/*.pug, ! **/conf/*.json`) .then(each(obj => { if ((/index\.php$/).test(obj.source)) { obj.content = obj.content.replace('{{VERSION}}', runtime.pkg.version); } })) .then(write(mapper, {overwrite: true, cluster: true})), read(`${ROOT}/*.md`) .then(write(mapper_root, {overwrite: true, cluster: true})) ]); }); ghu.task('build:tests', ['build:styles'], 'build the test suite', () => { return Promise.all([ read(`${BUILD}/_h5ai/public/css/styles.css`) .then(write(`${BUILD}/test/h5ai-styles.css`, {overwrite: true})), read(`${TEST}/index.html`) .then(write(`${BUILD}/test/index.html`, {overwrite: true})), read(`${TEST}: index.js`) .then(webpack(webpack_cfg(SRC, TEST))) .then(wrap(`\n\n// @include "${SRC}/**/js/pre.js"\n\n`)) .then(includeit()) .then(write(mapfn.p(TEST, `${BUILD}/test`), {overwrite: true})) ]).then(() => { console.log(`browse to file://${BUILD}/test/index.html to run the test suite`); }); }); ghu.task('build', ['build:scripts', 'build:styles', 'build:pages', 'build:copy', 'build:tests'], 'build all updated files, optionally use :production'); ghu.task('deploy', ['build'], 'deploy to a specified path with :dest=/some/path', runtime => { if (typeof runtime.args.dest !== 'string') { throw new Error('no destination path (e.g. :dest=/some/path)'); } console.log(`deploy to ${runtime.args.dest}`); const mapper_deploy = mapfn.p(BUILD, resolve(runtime.args.dest)); return read(`${BUILD}/_h5ai/**`) .then(write(mapper_deploy, {overwrite: true, cluster: true})); }); ghu.task('watch', runtime => { return watch([SRC, TEST], () => => x !== 'watch'), runtime.args, true)); }); ghu.task('release', ['force-production', 'clean', 'build'], 'create a zipball', runtime => { const target = join(BUILD, `${}-${runtime.pkg.version}.zip`); return read(`${BUILD}/_h5ai/**`) .then(jszip({dir: BUILD, level: 9})) .then(write(target, {overwrite: true})); });