# OG-Steam Update: Try OG-Steam-Library theme for use with SteamFriendsPatcher. An Internet Time Warp - Steam, in its current form, is hardly recognisable when compared to early releases. However, you may be surprised to learn that, despite innumerable changes made to Steam in its 17-year lifespan, its Graphical User Interface system, VGUI (which is built into the Source engine), has remained virtually unchanged. This has allowed me to create a skin which very accurately replicates the look and feel of the Steam client from around 2004. I have future-proofed this skin to the best of my ability by including as few files as possible (and, therefore, fewer points of failure). Ostensibly, Valve has plans to re-write the Steam client in JavaScript; we have already seen several moves in this direction. Until such time, welcome to 2004. This version has been tested on Windows running the latest version of the Steam client (**As at 2021-06-28**). Installing - **Note: This skin has not been tested on Linux or MacOS** * Copy **OG-Steam** into `Steam/skins` * Select the new skin through `Settings/Interface` * Disable font smoothing in both Steam and Windows for a retro look (not recommended for everyday use). Preview - ![Login](https://i.imgur.com/FdG0g2M.png) ![About Steam](https://i.imgur.com/GMRbUbi.png) ![VGUI Zoo](https://i.imgur.com/deMlNiK.png) ![Store](https://i.imgur.com/Ig8gndB.png) ![Library](https://i.imgur.com/aV7H2TF.png) ![Downloads](https://i.imgur.com/8YrQZhj.png) ![Small Mode](https://i.imgur.com/HSO8YJb.png) ![Overlay](https://i.imgur.com/zbE6VYw.png) ![Servers](https://i.imgur.com/CFMBKd7.png) ![Music Player](https://i.imgur.com/nBrVwqL.png)