html head title='Moe Counter!' meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1') link(rel='icon', type='image/png', href='favicon.png') link(rel='stylesheet', href='./light.min.css') link(rel='stylesheet', href='./custom.css') // GOODBYE GOOGLE SHIT body h3 How to use: h5 SVG address code #{site}/get/@:name h5 Img tag code <img src="#{site}/get/@:name" alt=":name" /> h5 Markdown code ![:name](#{site}/get/@:name) h3 eg: Moe Count! i(style='color: #FFFFFF') Data can access by anyone, please | DO NOT | enter personal information details summary(style='display: inline-block;', onclick='_evt_push("click", "normal", "more_theme")') h3(style='display: inline-block; cursor: pointer;') More themes p(style='margin: 0;') Just use the query parameters theme, like this: #{site}/get/@:name?theme=moebooru h5 asoul img(src='#{site}/get/@demo?theme=asoul', alt='A-SOUL') h5 moebooru img(src='#{site}/get/@demo?theme=moebooru', alt='Moebooru') h5 moebooru-h img(src='#{site}/get/@demo?theme=moebooru-h', alt='Moebooru-Hentai') h5 rule34 img(src='#{site}/get/@demo?theme=rule34', alt='Rule34') h5 gelbooru img(src='#{site}/get/@demo?theme=gelbooru', alt='Gelbooru') h5 gelbooru-h img(src='#{site}/get/@demo?theme=gelbooru-h', alt='Gelbooru-Hentai') // h3 Credits // ul // li // a(href='', target='_blank', rel='nofollow') // li // a(href='', target='_blank', title='A-SOUL_Official') A-SOUL // li // a(href='', target='_blank', rel='nofollow') moebooru // li // a(href='javascript:alert("!!! NSFW LINK !!!\\nPlease enter the url manually")') // | NSFW // li // a(href='javascript:alert("!!! NSFW LINK !!!\\nPlease enter the url manually")') // | NSFW // li // a(href='', target='_blank', rel='nofollow') Icons8 h3 Tool .tool code #{site}/get/@ input#name(type='text', placeholder=':name', style='display: inline-block; width: 80px; height: 1.4em; line-height: 1.4em; margin: 0 4px; vertical-align: middle;') code ?theme= select#theme(style='display: inline-block; height: 1.6em; line-height: 1.6em; font-size: 14px; margin: 0 4px; padding: 0 4px; vertical-align: middle;') option(value='asoul') asoul option(value='moebooru') moebooru option(value='moebooru-h') moebooru-h option(value='rule34') rule34 option(value='gelbooru') gelbooru option(value='gelbooru-h') gelbooru-h button#get(style='margin: 10px 0;', onclick='_evt_push("click", "normal", "get_counter")') Get img#result(style='display: block;') script. var btn = document.getElementById('get'), img = document.getElementById('result') btn.addEventListener('click', function() { var name = document.getElementById('name'), themeEl = document.getElementById('theme') var text = name.value ? name.value.trim() : '' var theme = themeEl.value || 'moebooru' if(!text) { alert('Please input counter name.') return } img.src = '#{site}/get/@' + text + '?theme=' + theme }) p.copy a(href='', target='_blank', onclick='_evt_push("click", "normal", "go_github")') source code p.copy a(href='', target='_blank', onclick='_evt_push("click", "normal", "go_github")') Modified source code